
I use Markdown for my content, this is automatically transformed and styled.

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::: {.prose .prose--flow}
# An example Markdown file
This site uses [Markdown-it]( to transform `.md` files into `.html` files.

Any text contained with an element with class `prose` will inherit these styles. Adding `prose--flow` will set the horizontal spacing and sizing, ensuring the readability of the contents.

## Unordered lists

* Lists are supported using `+`, `*`, or `-`
  - nested lists are also supported
    + up to three levels deep
  - But, alas
* We must return to the top level

## Ordered lists

1. Ordered lists are also supported
2. You can use numbers
1. Or keep using `1.`
1. Over, and over again 

## Typographic replacements

Markdown-it will autoreplace: 

* (c) copyright
* (r) registered
* (tm) trademark 
* (p) section marks
* +- plus/minus symbols

It will also fix sloppy typography:

* Adding an ellipsis from three dots...
* "Double quote" from straight quotes
* 'Single quotes' from straight single quotes

## Emphasis

* **bold**
* _italic_
* ~~strikethrough~~

## Blockquotes
> Quotes are styled to draw the reader's attention.

## Code
Inline `code` is supported, as well as blocks of code, with highlighting via Prsim-js.

``` {.language-js}
const example = (items) => { => console.log(item));

## Tables

| Name | Type | Weight (kg) |
| :--- | :--- | ---: |
| Flibble McGibb | Bantom | 1.76 |
| Rose Dough | Philbuster | 2.09 |
| General Henry | Pigmalion | 0.98 |

## Plugins

In addition to the standard Markdown-it transformation, this site also supports several plugins.

### Abbreviations
Using abbreviations can be confusing for the reader, these can be wrapped in `abbr` tags like CSS or GDS.

### Attributes


*[CSS]: Cascading Style Sheets
*[GDS]: Government Digital Service