
For the most part, this site uses standard breakpoints that respond to the viewport width:

Breakpoint name Sizes
upto-min <320
min >320
mid >520
max >980
beyond-max >1100

There are also special breakpoints if I need to restrict CSS to a certain viewport width:

Breakpoint name Sizes
min-only >320 <520
mid-only >520 <980
max-only >980 <1100

Using the breakpoints in Less

Calling the breakpoints in Less can be done either nested, or wrapped, for example:

.elemnet {
  text-size: var(--step-0);
  @media @bp[mid] {
    text-size: var(--step-1);

@media @bp[mid] {
  .element {
    text-size: var(--step-1);